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Choosing a training provider can be a daunting task, given the number of options available in the market. To make an informed decision, it is important to consider the following factors:
1) PRICE: Prices may vary among different training providers, so it is crucial to understand what is included in the cost and if there are any additional expenses. Some providers may offer a comprehensive package that covers everything from training materials to parking, lunch, and refreshments. They may also provide the option to choose from different books, allowing learners to select the one that suits their learning style and can be used for future courses. Transparency in pricing is key, and this should be clearly communicated during the booking process.
2) WEBSITE: A reputable training provider should have a professional website that provides essential information. This includes a physical address, as it is a legal requirement in the UK. Are they VAT registered? and have a valid landline phone number, not just a mobile contact. The email address should match the company name, indicating a level of professionalism. Additionally, having an online booking system and the ability to make online payments demonstrates the provider’s commitment to convenience and efficiency.
3) PREMISES: It is worth considering whether the training provider has their own offices and training rooms. While some providers may require you to arrange and bear the cost of hiring venues, it is important to factor in these additional expenses when comparing quotes. This does not necessarily indicate a subpar provider, but it is something to keep in mind.
4) INSTRUCTORS: Find out if the training provider employs their own instructors or relies on external ones. Knowing the source of the instructors is essential, as it impacts the quality of training. Some providers may use freelancers or operate through clubs or charities. In such cases, it is important to ensure that the instructor is properly insured to provide training to non-members. To maintain expertise, it is crucial for instructors to stay updated with Continuous Professional Development (CPD). A reputable provider will prioritize these aspects, often engaging in CPD events for their instructors.
5) EQUIPMENT and DELEGATE Numbers: Consider whether the provider runs courses using the minimum recommended equipment or goes above and beyond to enhance the training experience by maintaining lower delegate-to-equipment ratios. Adequate equipment and smaller class sizes can greatly contribute to a more effective learning environment.
6) CANCELLATION POLICY: Check if there is a minimum number of participants required for a course to run and what the notice period is for potential cancellations. This is particularly pertinent for providers who rely on freelancers and external premises. Being aware of these policies is essential, as last-minute cancellations can disrupt your schedule and potentially impact your career or personal plans.
At SPR, we adopt a business model that prioritizes transparency, professionalism, and providing a superior learning experience. As a registered Approved Organization (AO) under SPR, we offer clear pricing breakdowns, inclusive of course costs and any additional fees like examination charges or supplementary books. Course materials are typically included in the cost, and if the training is conducted at our premises, we provide free car parking, and refreshments. Our branded websites feature legitimate email addresses linked to our domain names, and we utilize technology to offer online booking and payment facilities. You will find our landline phone numbers and physical address, along with our VAT registration number displayed on our websites.
We pride ourselves on having our own dedicated training rooms, which are also available for hire by other instructors. As a QNUK Centre and RYA Approved Training Centre, we only engage instructors who we have personally worked with or trained alongside. It is crucial for us to ensure that our instructors are up to date with CPD, which is why we actively organize CPD events for their benefit. Moreover, we are fully insured, and VAT registered. We heavily invest in high-quality training equipment and do not always run courses at maximum capacity, as this allows us to provide a superior learning experience.
Rest assured; we have a strict policy of not cancelling courses due to participant numbers. We understand the significance of your commitment in terms of time away from work or family, and we believe that course cancellations are highly inconvenient and can negatively impact your career or personal plans.
With over 30 years in the industry, we are confident that our dedication to professionalism, transparency, and quality training has contributed to our longevity and success. We strive to continuously improve and provide the best possible learning experiences for our valued learners.